Thursday, February 24, 2011

Green Chile Cheeseburger Ho-Hum

To Jemez Springs area - just past the Jemez pueblo, scouting for campsites. Beautiful countryside, with many an abandoned building . Yet many of these little communities somehow manage to survive

This on the road to Ponderosa, adjacent to reservation land.

An area of geologic interest on the Jemez reservation. This is about 45 minutes from Albuqueruque. Some of the people who live on the reservation, the only Towa-speaking tribe, work in albuquerque.

A campground run by the Forest Service

Lunch in Jemez Springs, a community of artists, back-to-earthers, 2nd homers, spiritual wanderers - there is a Buddhist monastery here and a Catholic convent. And rustic public hot baths. As it is in a deep gorge between mountain ranges, there is erratic cellphone service.

Below, the local haunt of ok food - but am tiring of the green chili cheeseburger, without distinction, that varies from place to place only by a small degree....

I've eaten under a lot of antlered creatures lately.

One of the fancy menu items is buffalo - at a premium price

But this chart pushing buffalo as healthy seems bizarre - need to do some research

And then...The Sandwich - very ordinary. I think I will start focussing on the bun which is usually like cotton balls - flavorless and it falls apart. No more reports until I find a good bun - or the French Fries are outstanding...this much more likely.


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