Monday, January 17, 2011


Tankers in ballast, Astoria

Astoria was founded by Jacob Astor as a fur trading post in 1811. Many Scandavians, especially Finns, came to work in the fur trade. When the beaver and otter became scarce, salmon canneries were built alonog the river and Chinese came to work there. When that industry waned, Astoria geared itself for the steamship era of luxury travelers.

There were societies and fraternities that reflected the ethnic groups - Chinese masons, Socialist Daughters of Finland, etc. Today, serving the river shipping needs is the main occupation, and many sport fisherman use it as a base. It is a charming town of Victorian houses stacked up a bluff - with plenty of taverns and bars in the town - and a burgeoning art colony is developing.

The French Fry route

Among the fish and chip choices is halibut - fished mostly in Alaska, but down the coast as well. It is a flatfish - like flounder and is more expensive, but fine-grained, moist and sweet. Atlantic cod is always offered as well. This and crabcakes are alwasy on the many tavern/pub menus.

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