Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Columbia Bar, Where the Columbia meets the Pacific

Looking out to the Pacific. Looks calm enough, but wait . . .

The Coast Guard conducts about 600 rescue missions a year on the bar. There have been 2000 shipwrecks since 1800.

The most hazardous water in North America, the Columbia Bar must be crossed to enter the Columbia River.

The Coast Guard conducts its heavy water rescue training her. Above, a 44 foot rescue ship especially constructed to right itself, self bale and even rollover.

a rescue mission. rescue crew is strapped in.

A few who made it in, discharged their oil and now have to get out. Bar Captians (there are 24 of them) take each ship in and out by boarding by rope ladder from a pilot boat which pitches
through 40 foot breakers and 60 knot winds. Thousands of ships are brought in each year and travel the 1400 mile river all the way to Idaho.

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